Four Ways To Make The Most Of A Cosmetology Degree

Cosmetology schools teach their students much more than just how to care for hair, skin and nails. They are designed to teach people how to work well with their clients, how to use their creativity and how to operate a business. These skills should be taken advantage of once a cosmetology license is received. Here are some ideas that let people move beyond the basic salon to keep their career fresh and exciting.

Focus on Weddings

Prospective brides often want the members of their wedding party to have hair and makeup that is similar. It is not uncommon for brides to want to have a session a few weeks prior to the service to make certain they are getting the look they want. In addition, most will need someone on the day of the wedding to help make certain everyone is picture-perfect. This career opportunity is great for someone that does not mind traveling to the client, is willing to work on weekends and will be happy with being the busiest during the summer months.

Enter the Theater

Become acquainted with a local theater group and assist them on performance nights as they get into costume. This job may move beyond basic hair and cosmetics. A skilled artist may be asked to help with applying makeup to change appearances, age the actors or even help them with their costumes and accessories as they "become" a different character.  

Take a Cruise

Large cruise ships often include their own salons. This is a great opportunity for anyone that loves to travel and enjoys always meeting new people from all walks of life. The salons frequently offer the full range of services that are found in land-based salons, so there is a variety of work to be performed and exciting opportunities for adventurous cosmetologists.

Help Out Others

Sometimes the best way for people to feel good about their career and themselves is by helping others. There are many organizations that help the homeless and people living in poverty find work. They do this by helping them to create resumes, prepare for interviews and find appropriate career clothing. Cosmetologists can contact local homeless shelters or organizations that offer these services and volunteer their skills to help people look totally polished and professional for their interviews.

A degree from a good school is a great way to begin, but where the career goes after graduation is entirely up to the individual. There are many ways to use a cosmetology degree, such as from Polaris Career Center, that can help people to learn how to market their skills better, make new contacts and have new and interesting experiences. These are just a few examples of how versatile the beauty industry can be. 
